Author Guidelines
Each submitted paper must be sent via online submission [HERE]. The author must first register [HERE] before submitting the paper.
Each paper must be written following a journal template that can be downloaded [HERE]. The provisions of the substance of the paper are as follows:
The title is written in a maximum of 12 words and describes the contents of the manuscript. The title must be accurate, specific, and unambiguous. Avoid writing unusual abbreviations in the title. A good title at least contains the problem and scientific method proposed in the paper.
Write an abstract in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 250 words. The written abstract consists of a statement of the problem, research objectives, research methods, and research results.
The introduction is written systematically consisting of three paragraphs. The first paragraph contains a complete description of the problem that can be supported by quantitative data or other references. The second paragraph contains a description of previous research. In this section, present the state of the art of the topic studied by citing references. The third paragraph contains the research objectives accompanied by an explanation of the differences or developments carried out. Also state the gaps that occur in the problems or topics studied in this section.
Research Methods
The research method contains the stages of research, data analysis methods, the design process, etc. In this section, the stages should be described in the form of a flowchart or block diagram. Mathematical equations can also be described in this section.
Results and Discussion
The results and discussion contain the implementation of the system (if any, complete with photos/pictures), system testing, analysis of results, discussions, etc. The research results must be in accordance with the research objectives described previously. In this section, it is also necessary to state the comparison of research results with previous researchers.
The conclusion is made in one paragraph and answers what the research objectives are. At the end of the conclusion, write down suggestions for further development or research plans related to the topic being studied.
Acknowledgments are given to those who contributed in terms of funding or facilities. Write down the research funding scheme accompanied by the research contract number. If so, also include the name of the laboratory or institution that contributed to the research facility.
Reference writing is written using reference management applications such as Mendeley, EndNote, or other reference management applications. References are written using the IEEE style. The type of reference is prioritized from scientific journals and seminar proceedings, at least 10 references in the last 10 years. Other supporting references such as books, Thesis/Thesis/Dissertation, and official websites are allowed if they are considered important.